Only Good Moves, in collaboration with Mila Bridger

Art is the glue that keeps me connected, allows me to play, and expands my understanding. I think a lot about relationships, love, and feelings of longing and abandonment. The complexity of growing up in Iran after the revolution, living through the eight years of the Iran-Iraq’s imposed war, heavy restrictions, and also growing up in an Iranian-Colombian household has all been informing my work. To me, making art is about solving small problems and that’s how I find hope in bigger issues, and life. I think of my pieces as emotion-scapes as I challenge to give emotional and psychological concepts a visual realization. I have made work about capturing a sigh, telling dark secrets, punishing my tongue, and writing unreadable letters to my lovers. For each project I chose the medium that would best translate my ideas. I have been merging performance, video, and sound, to make installations and create multi-sensory experiences. My body, my voice, and sometimes my strength become my medium. In my recent work, I collaborated with photographers, vocalists, dress-makers, and my psychologist to make poetic images and videos in the house I grew up in Tehran, Iran.